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JyselecaㆍNucalaㆍCinqairㆍOlimel N receive reimbursement in Korea
JyselecaㆍNucalaㆍCinqairㆍOlimel N receive reimbursement in Korea
  • Jaehoon SongㆍHyeokgi Lee, Newsmp
  • 승인 2023.10.29 19:28
  • 댓글 0
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Revised notice from MOHW… Reduction in maximum reimbursement price for StelaraㆍZytigaㆍJakaviㆍFycompaㆍXtandi

[Newsmp] Starting from next month, health insurance will cover Jyseleca (ingredient: filgotinib, Eisai), Nucala (ingredient: mepolizumab, GSK), and Cinqair (ingredient: reslizumab, Teva-Handok).

The reimbursement ceiling for existing items, including Stelara (ingredient: ustekinumab, Janssen), Zytiga (ingredient: abiraterone, Janssen), Jakavi (ingredient: ruxolitinib, Novartis), Fycompa (ingredient: perampanel, Eisai), and Xtandi (ingredient: enzalutamide, Astellas), will be reduced.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare said Thursday it revised and issued a revision of the ‘Pharmaceutical benefit list and the table of the upper limit of benefits.’

According to the notice, the maximum reimbursement amount for Jyseleca Tab. 100mg is KRW 13,233 per tablet, and KRW 19,851 for 200mg.

The ceilings for Nucala Inj. and Cinqair Inj. will be set at KRW 128 million per vial of 0.144g and KRW 399,552 per vial of 10ml.

For amino acid preparations, Olimel N12E Inj. (Baxter) is priced at KRW 29,746 per 605ml bag, Winuf A Plus Inj. is set at KRW 46,049 per 1438ml bag, and KRW 4,197 per 1090ml bag.

Furthermore, Celltrion Remsima Pen Inj. 120mg (Celltrion) is included in the covered list with a price ceiling of KRW 275,610 per tube.

Among existing products, the maximum reimbursement prices for all six products (2, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 12 milligrams) of Eisai's Fycompa Film Coated Tab. will be reduced by 30.0% and will be further reduced by an additional 23.5% on October 14, next year.

Zytiga will also see a 30.0% reduction in the reimbursement ceiling starting from the 1st of next month, and an additional 23.5% reduction is scheduled for October 1 next year.

The maximum prices of Alfoatilin-lid Cap. and Alfoatilin Soft Cap. (Yuhan Corporation) will be reduced by 12.4% and 12.6%, respectively, and Chlencia Tab. (Kukje Pharma) will be decreased by 10.3%.

A 4.3% reduction will apply to the reimbursement limits for Stelara Intravenous Inj. (0.13g/26mL), Stelara S.C. Inj. (45mg/0.5mL), and Stelara Prefilled Inj. (45mg/0.5mL, 90mg/1ml).

The maximum reimbursement prices for the three Jakavi products (5 mg, 15 mg, and 20 mg) that have been expanded to cover Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) will be reduced by 3.3% each and Xtandi Soft Cap. 40mg will undergo a 32.1% reduction.

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