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최종편집 2024-07-27 06:03 (토)
CelltrionㆍSamsung BiologicsㆍSK Bioscience’s combined operating profit exceeds one-third of the Korean pharmaceutical industry
CelltrionㆍSamsung BiologicsㆍSK Bioscience’s combined operating profit exceeds one-third of the Korean pharmaceutical industry
  • Hyeokgi Lee, Newsmp
  • 승인 2022.02.19 13:15
  • 댓글 0
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Total sales of KRW 4.3879 trillionㆍoperating profit of KRW 1.7655 trillionㆍnet profit of     KRW 1.3724 trillion    
▲ The combined operating profit of the three major bio companies, Celltrion, Samsung Biologics, and SK Bioscience last year, exceeded one-third of the total operating profit of the Korean pharmaceutical industry in 2020.
▲ The combined operating profit of the three major bio companies, Celltrion, Samsung Biologics, and SK Bioscience last year, exceeded one-third of the total operating profit of the Korean pharmaceutical industry in 2020.

The combined operating profit of the three major bio companies, Celltrion, Samsung Biologics, and SK Bioscience last year, exceeded one-third of the total operating profit of the Korean pharmaceutical industry in 2020.

According to reports disclosed by each company, Celltrion achieved annual sales of KRW 1.8909 trillion last year. Celltrion has taken the lead in the pharmaceutical and bio industry for the second year in a row, surpassing Yuhan Corporation with KRW 1.7 trillion.

Samsung Biologics posted sales of KRW 1.568 with a growth rate of 34.6%, exceeding KRW 1.5 trillion.

SK Bioscience recorded a growth rate of more than 300% with KRW 929 billion in sales, almost reaching the KRW 1 trillion mark. The combined sales of the three companies amounted to KRW 4.3879 trillion, close to an average of KRW 1.5 trillion.

The operating profit of all three companies exceeded KRW 400 billion, operating profit ratio of over 30%.

Celltrion had the largest operating profit of KRW 753.9 billion, and Samsung Biologics recorded KRW 537.3 billion, followed by SK Bioscience KRW 474.2 billion.

The operating profit ratio of SK Bioscience exceeded 50% with 51.0%, Celltrion with 39.9%, and Samsung Biologics with 34.4%.

The Bank of Korea publishes the corporate management analysis yearly, and the combined operating profit of the three companies was KRW 1.76 trillion, exceeding one-third of the total annual profit of KRW 4.86 trillion in 2020 of the manufacturing industry of medical materials and pharmaceuticals.

In addition, the operating profit ratio to sales averaged 40.2%, nearly tripled the average of 14.51% of the analysis.

In terms of net profit, Celltrion recorded KRW 623.6 billion, Samsung Biologics KRW 393.6 billion, and SK Bioscience KRW 355.2 billion, a total of KRW 1.37 trillion.

This is also more than a third of the total net profit of KRW 3.2883 trillion of the 2020 manufacturing industry of medical materials and pharmaceuticals.

The net profit ratio to sales was 38.2% for SK Bioscience, and 33.0% for Celltrion, followed by Samsung Biologics with 25.1%.

The average net profit ratio of the Big 3 exceeded 30% with 31.3%, more than tripled the net profit ratio of the 2020 manufacturing industry of medical materials and pharmaceuticals.

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