Big Pharma announces Q3 earnings at a time toward endemic

Novo NordiskㆍSanofiㆍMSDㆍAstraZeneca, double-digit ↑ ModernaㆍGSKㆍBiogenㆍViatris, double-digit ↓ 16 out of 18 companies’ growth rate deteriorated… Pfizer turned negative

2022-11-17     Hyeokgi Lee, Newsmp

[Newsmp] The growth of global Big Pharma has slowed amid reduced vigilance against COVID-19 since the Omicron variant, which hit the world in the first half of last year.

According to the third-quarter reports of global drugmakers, 16 out of 18 companies saw their sales growth decline in the third quarter from the first half.


▲ The growth of global Big Pharma has slowed amid reduced vigilance against COVID-19 since the Omicron variant, which hit the world in the first half of last year.


Pfizer, which enjoyed the most special benefits by successively launching the COVID-1919 vaccine and oral treatment, saw a growth rate of close to 60% in the first half of last year but turned negative in the third quarter.

Modena, which recorded a growth rate of more than 70% in the first half, saw its sales plunge by more than 30% in the third quarter, while AstraZeneca and MSD, which both recorded growth rates of around 40%, slowed down to the early 10%.

The growth rate of Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson and AbbVie have shrunk, while BMS, Gilead, Roche, Amgen and Organon turned to negative growth.

Biogen and Viatris’ negative growth rates expanded to double digits, and Novartis' negative growth rate also increased. GSK also suffered a significant drop in sales in the aftermath of the spin-off.

On the other hand, only two companies, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, showed greater growth in the third quarter than in the first half.

Novo Nordisk was the only company among 18 companies to exceed 20% in the third-quarter growth rate, and Sanofi recorded a growth rate close to 20%.

MSD and AstraZeneca maintained double-digit growth despite slowing growth from the first half, while AbbVie, Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly kept the growth rate under 5%.